EjectUSB Forces Program to Let Go of Your Thumb Drive

EjectUSB Forces Program to Let Go of Your Thumb Drive

Designed to be a simple utility to close all programs running from a specified drive or folder and then attempt ejection if a drive was specified. Extended functionality includes flushing the file cache, closing Explorer windows and removing registry entries and Recent Document shortcuts referencing the specified drive or folder.

Release Version 1.3:
» Download EjectUSB (252 kilobytes, 15019 downloads)
» Source Code (21 kilobytes, 218 downloads)

Documentation and an example configuration file are included in the ZIP. The source code is available as a separate download.

TrueCrypt and combination flash card / flash drives support will be made available via configuration files after sufficient testing has been conducted.

Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is my drive failing to eject?

There are many things that can prevent a removable drive from getting permission from
Windows to safely eject. The usual cause, however, is that a file that is located on the removable drive is either running (if it's a program) or is in use by a program.

- EjectUSB is failing to eject my drive, what can I do?
Try increasing the TimeToWait value in the configuration INI file. While 5 (seconds) is default and has been adequate in all testing environments, a larger value might give Windows enough time to allow for a proper ejection.

As an alternative, download one of the Ejection Helper Utilities (listed in the previous section) and place the executable in the same folder as EjectUSB.

If you have administrator privileges on the computer where EjectUSB is failing to eject a drive, one of the Handle Helper Utilities (listed in the previous section) may be able to solve the problem.

- Can I speed up EjectUSB so it ejects a drive more quickly?
You could disable graceful closing and the cleanup routines to save a few seconds.
Decreasing the TimeToWait value may speed things up, but could cause ejection to fail.

- My drive hasn't ejected and there's an EjectUSB icon in my system tray, what's wrong?
EjectUSB is repeatedly trying to eject the drive but is failing; click the EjectUSB tray icon and choose Exit, make sure the drive is not in use, and then try again.



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